Whole in table
- <table><tr><td> creates a table
- <table summary=""> table summary
- <table border=""> table border
- <table cellspacing=""> spacing between cells
- <table cellpadding=""> spacing within cells
- <table width=""> table width
- <table frame=""> controls the outer borders
- <table rules=""> controls the inner borders
- <caption> table caption
<caption align=""> alignment of the caption
- <thead><tfoot><tbody> groups of table rows
- <colgroup> groups of table columns
- <th> header cell
- <tr align="" valign=""><td align="" valign=""> alignment in cell
<td width="" height=""> width and height of a cell
- <td colspan="" rowspan=""> spanning cells
<td nowrap> disables automatic text wrapping
Background color, Border color ...
<table bgcolor=""><tr bgcolor=""><td bgcolor=""> background color
<table background=""><tr background=""><td background=""> background image
<table border="" bordercolor=""> border color
<table border="" bordercolorlight="" bordercolordark=""> light and dark border colors
Alignment, Space
<table align=""> table alignment
<table vspace="" hspace=""> the space of the table
<br clear=""> stopping text wrapping