
  • IE
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The COLGROUP element defines groups of table columns.

<colgroup span="3"></colgroup>

Attribute Value Explanation
span=" " number number of columns in group (default is "1")

You can specify the following attributes for each group.

Attribute Value Explanation
width=" " pixels or % the width of the column
align=" " horizontal alignment in cell
left aligns to the left
center aligns to the center
right aligns to the right
valign=" " vertical alignment in cell
top aligns to the top
middle aligns to the middle
bottom aligns to the bottom

The position where the COLGROUP element is placed

<caption>Table caption</caption>
<colgroup span="1"></colgroup>
<colgroup span="2"></colgroup>
<th>Group A</th><th>Group B</th><th>Group B</th>
<td>Group A</td><td>Group B</td><td>Group B</td>
<td>Group A</td><td>Group B</td><td>Group B</td>


<table border="1">

<colgroup align="center" width="250" style="background-color: #80ff80"></colgroup>
<colgroup span="3" align="right" width="120" style="background-color: #ffffff"></colgroup>

<td>Group A</td>
<td>Group B</td>
<td>Group B</td>
<td>Group B</td>
<td>Group A</td>
<td>Group B</td>
<td>Group B</td>
<td>Group B</td>
<td>Group A</td>
<td>Group B</td>
<td>Group B</td>
<td>Group B</td>

Group A Group B Group B Group B
Group A Group B Group B Group B
Group A Group B Group B Group B