marquee (Examples) Browser Type Extension The examples of the MARQUEE element. In browsers other than MSIE, there are some unsupported attributes. Example Default scrolling <marquee>Default scrolling</marquee> Output Default scrolling Background color <marquee bgcolor="#d9d9ff">Background color</marquee> Output Background color Background color and Width <marquee bgcolor="#d9d9ff" width="50%">Background and Width</marquee> Output Background and Width Background color and space <marquee bgcolor="#d9d9ff" hspace="50" vspace="20">Background and Space</marquee> Output Background and Space Behavior the alternate (bounce back and forth) <marquee behavior="alternate">Bounce back and forth</marquee> Output Bounce back and forth Direction the right (it moves right) <marquee direction="right">It moves right</marquee> Output It moves right Direction the down (it moves down) <marquee direction="down" height="100">It moves down</marquee> Output It moves down Nesting the marquee <marquee direction="down" behavior="alternate" width="100%" height="150"> <marquee behavior="alternate"><font size="7">?</font></marquee> </marquee> Output ? Comparison of speeds <marquee scrolldelay="85" scrollamount="6">Default speed</marquee> <marquee scrolldelay="50" scrollamount="10" truespeed>Very fast !!</marquee> <marquee scrolldelay="200" scrollamount="3">Very slow ...</marquee> Output Default speed Very fast !! Very slow ...