This online tool can be used to URL encode or URL decode strings.

You can URL encode in three modes (Minimal/Basic/Full) and also specify characters to exclude from encoding.

URL Encoding

Enter your string here
The following characters are encoded:
non-ASCII space < > [ ] { } " ` ^ \ | % / : # ? = + & ; ! * ' ( ) @ $ , - . _ ~

* For some characters, you can click/tap to exclude them from encoding.

URL encoded output goes here

Length: 0

URL Decoding

Enter encoded string here
URL decoded output goes here

How to use this tool

  • The tool uses the UTF-8 encoding scheme.
  • This online tool allows you to URL encode in three modes: "Minimal Encoding", "Basic Encoding", "Full Encoding".
  • "Minimal Encoding" is used when you want to encode the entire URL. In this mode, characters that have special meaning in a URL are not encoded.
  • "Basic Encoding" is used when you want to encode part of a URL (for example, the value of a parameter). Selecting this mode adds 16 characters to the character list. If the character list contains a character that you do not want to encode, you can click/tap on it to exclude it from encoding.
  • The four characters added in "Full Encoding" mode do not usually need to be encoded, but if there is a special reason, you can encode these characters as well. If the character list contains a character that you do not want to encode, you can click/tap on it to exclude it from encoding.
  • Newline characters are replaced with spaces and then encoded.
  • You can also encode emojis, so give it a try. 👍
  • A URL encoded string can be restored to its original state by URL decoding it.
  • To use this tool, you must enable JavaScript in your browser.

Correspondence table

ASCII characters and their corresponding URL encoded value.

Character Name Encoded
Minimal Encoding
  space %20
< less-than sign %3C
> greater-than sign %3E
[ left square bracket %5B
] right square bracket %5D
{ left curly bracket %7B
} right curly bracket %7D
" quotation mark (double quotation mark) %22
` grave accent (backquote) %60
^ circumflex accent (hat) %5E
\ reverse solidus (backslash) %5C
| vertical line (pipe) %7C
% percent sign %25
Basic Encoding
/ solidus (slash) %2F
: colon %3A
# number sign (hash mark) %23
? question mark %3F
= equals sign (equal sign) %3D
+ plus sign %2B
& ampersand %26
; semicolon %3B
! exclamation mark %21
* asterisk %2A
' apostrophe (single quote) %27
( left parenthesis %28
) right parenthesis %29
@ commercial at (at sign) %40
$ dollar sign %24
, comma %2C
Full Encoding
- hyphen-minus (hyphen, minus) %2D
. full stop (dot, period) %2E
_ low line (underscore, underline) %5F
~ tilde %7E

Reference list

Other online tools