- <frameset><frame src=""> creates a frame
- <frameset> set of frames
- <frameset> nesting example
<frameset frameborder="0"> frame border
<frameset border=""> frame border thickness
<frameset bordercolor=""> frame border color
- <frame src=""> defines a frame
- <frame src="" name=""> naming the frame
- <frame src="" noresize> disallows resizing of the frame
- <frame src="" scrolling=""> controls the scroll
- <frame src="" marginwidth="" marginheight=""> margins in the frame
- <a href="" target=""> the target frame of the link
- <noframes> alternative content for non-frames users
- Examples of frames layout examples of frames
Inline frame
- <iframe src=""> creates an iframe
- <iframe src=""> defines an iframe
- <iframe src="" width="" height=""> width and height of the iframe
- <iframe src="" name=""> naming the iframe
- <iframe src="" frameborder="0"> iframe border
- <iframe src="" scrolling=""> controls the scroll
- <iframe src="" marginwidth="" marginheight=""> margins in the iframe
<iframe src="" allowtransparency="true"> transparent iframe
- <iframe src="" align=""> iframe alignment
<iframe src="" vspace="" hspace=""> the space of the iframe
<br clear=""> stopping text wrapping
- <a href="" target=""> the target frame of the link