Whole in form
- <form> creates a form
- <form method="" action=""> method and action URL
- <form method="" action="" target=""> the target window of the result
- <form method="POST" action="" enctype=""> the MIME type
- <label> label for a form field
- <fieldset> group of related form fields
- <legend> fieldset legend
<legend align=""> alignment of the legend
Form item
- <input type="text"> text box
- <input type="password"> password text box
- <input type="radio"> radio button
- <input type="checkbox"> checkbox
- <input type="file"> file selection box
- <input type="hidden"> hidden input field
- <textarea> multi-line text area
- <select><option> selectable list
- <input type="submit"><input type="reset"> submit button and reset button
- <input type="image"> image submit button
- <input type="button"> general purpose push button
- <button type=""> push button