text-justify: ***;

  • IE
  • Extension

The text-justify property specifies text justification options.

If you use this property, the justify value must be specified for the text-align property.

p {
text-align: justify;
text-justify: newspaper;

Property Value Explanation
text-justify auto the browser determine the appropriate algorithm (default)
newspaper adjusts the spaces between letters and words
(for Latin alphabets)
distribute adjusts the spaces between letters and words
(for east Asian languages (Thai, etc))
distribute-all-lines adjusts the spaces between letters and words
(all lines are adjusted)
inter-word adjusts the spaces between words
inter-cluster for the languages without the spaces between words
(for east Asian languages)
inter-ideograph adjusts the spaces between letters and words
(for ideographic)


<title>TAG index</title>

<style type="text/css">

p {
width: 40%;
border: 1px #c0c0c0 solid;
text-align: justify;

#example1 { text-justify: auto; }
#example2 { text-justify: newspaper; }
#example3 { text-justify: distribute; }
#example4 { text-justify: distribute-all-lines; }
#example5 { text-justify: inter-word; }
#example6 { text-justify: inter-cluster; }
#example7 { text-justify: inter-ideograph; }



<p id="example1">The auto value<br>This is example text ...</p>

<p id="example2">The newspaper value<br>This is example text ...</p>

<p id="example3">The distribute value<br>This is example text ...</p>

<p id="example4">The distribute-all-lines value<br>This is example text ...</p>

<p id="example5">The inter-word value<br>This is example text ...</p>

<p id="example6">The inter-cluster value<br>This is example text ...</p>

<p id="example7">The inter-ideograph value<br>This is example text ...</p>



The auto value
This is example text. The text-justify property specifies the text justification options.

The newspaper value
This is example text. The text-justify property specifies the text justification options.

The distribute value
This is example text. The text-justify property specifies the text justification options.

The distribute-all-lines value
This is example text. The text-justify property specifies the text justification options.

The inter-word value
This is example text. The text-justify property specifies the text justification options.

The inter-cluster value
This is example text. The text-justify property specifies the text justification options.

The inter-ideograph value
This is example text. The text-justify property specifies the text justification options.

Screen shot in Japanese language
Japanese language