direction: ***; unicode-bidi: ***;

  • IE
  • Cr
  • Sf
  • Fx
  • O

The direction property specifies the text direction, and the unicode-bidi property specifies the unicode direction.

p {
direction: rtl;
unicode-bidi: bidi-override;

The direction property

Specifies the text direction.

Property Value Explanation
direction ltr from left to right (default)
rtl from right to left

The unicode-bidi property

Specifies the unicode direction.

Property Value Explanation
unicode-bidi normal normal direction (default)
embed embedding the direction property's value
bidi-override the direction property's value overrides the unicode direction


<title>TAG index</title>

<style type="text/css">

p { direction: rtl; }

.example1 { unicode-bidi: embed; }
.example2 { unicode-bidi: bidi-override; }



<p class="example1">The direction and unicode-bidi properties.</p>
<p class="example2">The direction and unicode-bidi properties.</p>

<p>The <span class="example1">direction and unicode-bidi</span> properties.</p>
<p>The <span class="example2">direction and unicode-bidi</span> properties.</p>



The direction and unicode-bidi properties.

The direction and unicode-bidi properties.

The direction and unicode-bidi properties.

The direction and unicode-bidi properties.