- background-color: ***; body background color
- background-image: url(***); body background image
- background-repeat: ***; background image repeat
- background-position: ***; background image position
- background-attachment: fixed; fixed background image
- background: ***; sets all background properties
- margin: ***; body margin
- margin-***: ***; top, bottom, left, and right margins
Scroll, Cursol
scrollbar-***-color: ***; scrollbar color
- overflow: ***; controls the scroll
overflow-***: ***; controls the horizontal or vertical scroll
- cursor: ***; changing mouse cursor shapes
Horizontal Rule
- width: ***; height: ***; width and height of the horizontal rule
- text-align: ***; margin-***: ***; alignment of the horizontal rule
- background-color: ***; the color of the horizontal rule
- background-image: url(***); background image of the horizontal rule
- border: ***; border of the horizontal rule
- page-break-***: ***; sets the page-breaking