display: ***;

  • IE
  • Cr
  • Sf
  • Fx
  • O

The display property changes the display type of an element.

h1 {
display: inline;

Property Value Explanation
display block the element is displayed as a block-level element
inline the element is displayed as an inline element
list-item the element is displayed as a list item
none the element is not displayed


<title>TAG index</title>

<style type="text/css">

h1, span {
background-color: #bde9ba;

.example1 { display: inline; }
.example2 { display: block; }
.example3 { display: list-item; margin-left: 1em; }
.example4 { display: none; }

div {
margin-bottom: 30px;



<h1 class="example1">The block-level element</h1> is displayed as an inline element.

The inline element is <span class="example2">displayed</span> as a block-level element.

<span class="example3">The inline element is </span><span class="example3">displayed as a list item.</span>

This text is displayed. <span class="example4">This text is not displayed.</span> This text is displayed.



The block-level element

is displayed as an inline element.
The inline element is displayed as a block-level element.
The inline element is displayed as a list item.
This text is displayed. This text is not displayed. This text is displayed.