Width, Height, Background
- width: ***; height: ***; width and height of a box
- max-width: ***; min-width: ***; maximum width and minimum width of a box
- max-height: ***; min-height: ***; maximum height and minimum height of a box
- background-color: ***; box background color
- background-image: url(***); box background image
- background-repeat: ***; background image repeat
- background-position: ***; background image position
- background-attachment: fixed; fixed background image
- background: ***; sets all background properties
Margin, Padding
- margin: ***; box margin
- margin-***: ***; top, bottom, left, and right margins
- padding: ***; box padding
- padding-***: ***; top, bottom, left, and right paddings
- border-width: ***; border-***-width: ***; box border width
- border-color: ***; border-***-color: ***; box border color
- border-style: ***; border-***-style: ***; box border style
- border: ***; border-***: ***; sets all border properties
- overflow: ***; controls what happens to the overflowed content
overflow-***: ***; controls the horizontal or vertical overflow
scrollbar-***-color: ***; box scrollbar color
- display: ***; box display types
- visibility: ***; makes a box visible or invisible
Float, Position
- float: ***; creates a floating box
- clear: ***; clears float
- position: ***; sets how a box will be positioned
- top: ***; right: ***; bottom: ***; left: ***; box positioning
- z-index: ***; stack order of the boxes