HTML Color Codes and Names
Color Names (abc)
The names and hex codes of the 147 colors. (abc order)
Color Names (class)
The names and hex codes of the 147 colors. (color classes)
Standard Colors
The names and hex codes of the standard colors.
Web Safe Colors
The hex codes of the web safe colors.
Color Gradation
The hex codes of the color gradation. (459 colors)
Color Gradation (detailed)
The hex codes of the color gradation. (1350 colors)
Color Wheel
The 12 color wheel and complementary colors.
How to specify color
HTML color values
Value | Type | Range |
red |
color name | - |
#ff0000 |
color hex (six-digit) | 00 - ff (#000000 - #ffffff ) |
Color Names
The color is specified as a color name.
red |
lime |
blue |
white |
black |
Color HEX (six-digit)
The color is specified as a six-digit hex code.
This hex code is a character string of six digits preceded by a hash character (#
The first and second digits : Sets the level of the Red color.
The third and fourth digits : Sets the level of the Green color.
The fifth and sixth digits : Sets the level of the Blue color.
The range of each level : 00
(lowest level) - ff
(highest level)
[The character used : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
#ff0000 |
#00ff00 |
#0000ff |
#ffffff |
#000000 |